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My approach to copy, content and communications strategies is pretty much the same, no matter the audience.

Building a brand that survives over time -- whether it's B2C, B2B, Saas, or DTC--- means thinking of it as an entire personality. In my experience, a brand isn't just about a name or a well-designed logo. It's more than that. In fact, creating successful brand messaging is much like dating.


Yes, dating.


First, it involves introducing yourself to the right prospect. Then, getting to know each other. And, ultimately, falling in love. No one wants to be ghosted after the first date — and no brand wants to be abandoned after just one click.


To have the best chance at a long-term relationship, so to speak, a brand’s voice  -- be it B2C, B2B, SaaS, non-profit or startup -- needs to shine through clearly and consistently at every touch point — be it website copy, articles, videos, social media posts, fundraising messages, marketing emails, or investor/sales presentations. By “shine through,” I mean messaging that's distinctive, relevant and, frankly, better/different than your competition’s.


My creative process focuses on the “why” and “how” of the content or message: Why should your target audience care about your brand/product/service? How does your brand/product/service stand apart from others already out there? If I can't understand how or why you stand apart in your marketplace, you can be sure the audience you're trying to reach won't either.


Once we nail your differentiation, I set about making your “why" accessible; the "how" easy to understand; and the message irresistible and actionable.


Anyone who’s worked with me knows that I’m an unusual combination of a creative thinker and numbers junkie. I use data to inform every word I write, whether it’s based on insight from your website, a third-party tool or competitive research. I believe that strong copywriting is 80% calculated; 20% creative.

Bottom line: Getting a click from SEO is the easy part of digital marketing; being remembered isn’t. And motivating an audience to act is even tougher. That's where I come in.

see some samples

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